Friday, April 30, 2010

Lady Bird Johnson's Wildflower Center

Well I had a wonderful time visiting my son in Austin. We went to many great restaurants during the week. Saturday morning we went to the Wildflower Center. My dear son was kind enough to attend and push me around in a wheelchair. The blue bonnets were wonderful.
I am going to try and grow some here, although I'm not sure how successful I will be. The seeds are planted in the fall and then come up in the spring. What I am not sure of is if they can tolerate our freezing temperatures. Has anyone tried growing them in the North?

I would like to try Indian Paintbrush. I do not have a picture of them, but they grow everywhere. They are an orange small flower. Quite beautiful mixed in with the Blue Bonnets.

I really didn't want to come home. Everything was lush and green.

My next blog is about an antique store I visited in Austin.


  1. The Bluebonnets are beautiful hope you can grow some just for you

  2. Your images are wonderful Susan! I enjoy making the garden connection with you on Twitter. I am adding you to my side bar on my blog so it will be easy to click on over to your site.

    Happy Gardening - looking forward to watching your garden grow.


LIFE ON THE SIDEWALK a photo essay

As most of you know I move in a wheelchair. My observations are different than someone who walks. Quite simply, I'm lower to the gro...