Thursday, January 14, 2016

Exciting News!!

I just received the Spring issue of Art Doll Quarterly and my doll
has been published! They had a contest asking for fairy tale dolls so I decided to make Baba Yaga. 

I hand dyed the fabric for her body and face. The pin she is wearing
came from Estonia. My grand mother was a world traveler. I hand painted her eyes. She was a labor of love. I remember reading
Baba Yaga stories to my children when they were young.

I want to thank the publishers at Art Doll Quarterly who selected
my doll for their magazine.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Quiet Reflection Sunday

When you do things from your soul,
you feel a river moving in you....


Hello everyone! Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and
New Year's. A busy time of the year. I enjoyed my family being
together for the holidays, the baking, the eating and the celebrating!

Above is a picture of an owl I made for my daughter's Christmas
present. It is made out of hand dyed linen and items from my piles
of found objects. The wood came from a tree that was cut down
in my neighborhood. It is so much fun to make things from the 
heart. Luckily I am at the point in my life where I can work for
pleasure. I spent thirty years of my life making things for others
and teaching. I truly enjoyed those years, but to work for the sheer
enjoyment is a wonderful gift.

My word for this year is quiet. So encompassing. Do you make goals or resolutions? I would love to hear about them!

Have a wonderful day. Sue

LIFE ON THE SIDEWALK a photo essay

As most of you know I move in a wheelchair. My observations are different than someone who walks. Quite simply, I'm lower to the gro...